Friday, December 4, 2009

New Lazy Law of Attraction blog

Hey, folks: is just getting up and running, but I've just started this site (and blog) for folks who are interested in talking about the Law of Attraction in a more "lazy," laid back way. I want this site to be yours as much as it is mine, though this blog will mostly be my own "blathering," at least to start. ;-)

About me? I've studied the Law of Attraction for a long time and my first introduction to it was through Abraham-Hicks. I've loved a lot of Abe's approach, but thought it a bit "ethereal" at times. Not enough "in the physical," constructive advice.

Years on, I've found other resources that have also been helpful, but (just for me) have not wanted to focus as much on hype and "bling," "Look what I got!" and "YOU can be rich, too!," as many of the resources I've found have focused on.

Instead, I've always felt that yes, "enough" material subsistence is certainly necessary, IMO, to experience true freedom (if you're worried about paying rent, can you really relax and simply "be"?). But beyond that, what's with all the hype and all the focus on pretty, shiny things? What about conservation, helping Mother Earth survive, and being respectful of the environment, instead of mass consumption "just because"?

And I know; Abe (Abraham-Hicks) has said that whatever we want, we can have; the Earth will simply have the resources, and will provide, because we believe it can be so and will thus attract that experience.

Maybe that's true. But I would like to know if others feel, as I do, that there should be a certain respect inherent in practicing LOA; that just because we "can" have whatever "self"-based desires we want, maybe we practice some restraint, some compassion, some respect, and take care to honor ourselves, each other, the Earth, as part of LOA too.

I'd really like to know what you think, and that's why I started this blog, forum and website. Hope to get some good discussion going.



Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

The Lazy Vegan said...

Thank you!