Sunday, December 13, 2009

Law of Attraction "Foundations," not Fakery

It's no wonder that this recent focus on James Ray and the Sedona sweat lodge tragedy has brought LOA naysayers out in force. The guy is a prime example of the downfalls of falling for fake gurus, in this case for the Law of Attraction-following crowd.

But it doesn't mean LOA itself is fake, and we LOA-ers know that. It *is* an illustration of just what can happen when you give your power over to someone else, and quit thinking for yourself. LOA is all about self-empowerment, about staying focused in the "now" and fully conscious, and not about blindly following someone else.

What is LOA for?

It's a personal interpretation, of course (everything with LOA ultimately is powered by personal interpretation ;-) ).

In my case, LOA is there for me to give me a construct to my life. It helps me focus on what I want and to fix what I don't want. And it gives me permission to ignore what I don't want (but have in my life nonetheless) if it's something I can't fix right now.

That's freedom. Because what happens when I have the freedom to ignore what I don't want and can't fix is that eventually, one of several things happens:

§ Tools "show up" so that I can fix it
§ It just "goes away" of its own accord, or I can leave it behind easily
§ It just changes of its own accord to something I want
§ I grow into it and discover I DO want it, and that I just had to give it (and me) time

It's an ongoing process, too, and I'm still learning my own mastery a decade into this. If that's you, too, that's okay. Give it time. :-)

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