Monday, December 14, 2009

LOA (Law of Attraction) and Skepticism

Just like any "religion," you've got lots of folks screaming, "You must BELIEVE!" when it comes to LOA. Now, let me tell you, when I first stumbled on LOA, it sure sounded good, to just relax, change your mind, change your vibration, watch things unfold. Presto, life is wonderful and perfect, suddenly!

Yeah, right. Except I'm a very skeptical person, especially when someone wants me to turn off critical thinking, and I think it's a good and healthy thing to be that way. And it's also not that simple, despite what so-called gurus would have you believe.

Here's what I think. You DO have a new and better life unfold, slowly over time, such that the adage, "As you think, so shall you be" really does make sense. But it happens slowly; I'm still working on it years later. And because you "do the work" of changing the way you think over that same time period, you're not the same person when you've been chugging along in this process for awhile that you were when you started.

You're not the same person precisely *because* you did the work of changing. Is that simple? Is that "presto-chango"? Nope. But sometimes, people who want to "sell" you on the Law of Attraction have a vested interest in making you think it's easy, too. "My way is the right way, and I have it all figured out; just listen to me," they might say. Tempting? Sure, but not a particularly wise choice, in my opinion.

Now, that said, it's not simple to pursue LOA, but it is truly meaningful, often fun, and always empowering for me. It makes logical sense to me now, too, so that I'm not so much a skeptic -- but I *am* always aware that I've got to keep skepticism in the mix just to keep things "real."

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