Monday, February 15, 2010

James Ray's "Accident" Defense Means He's No Believer in LOA

There's another thing about James Ray that's bothered me since this has come out. That is, he's been trying to say via his lawyers that this incident was an "accident." But wouldn't he, being the master of the Law of Attraction that he purports himself to be, and the ultimate believer that he says he is, know that there are no accidents?

Before this (and before he had to dance and protect his own butt), he would have said so. In fact, I'm sure he would have somberly shaken his finger at whoever tried to say so, and reminded them that they were responsible for themselves and that there were no accidents.

So, if there are no accidents, how can this incident suddenly have been deemed an accident by Ray? More than that, how do LOA's immutable laws somehow bend themselves to Ray's situation (i.e., certainly an accident for him, but no one else, right?)?

Indeed, if Ray's situation can do anything, it can make those of us who believe in LOA stop and take sober stock of our own actions, that along with the (admittedly enticing) "Just do what feels good!" clarion call of Abraham-Hicks and others in this tradition, we pair that with a respect for our physical existence and yes, our responsibility to others.

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